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It’s February already and I’ve been trying to make the most of those leftover Summer holiday creative ‘juices’ that seem to thrive during the blissful, relaxing Summer holiday season. Ours involved spending time in Perth, Rottnest Island and Yallingup, W.A. We didn’t do much more than focus on quality family time, meaning eating, drinking quality West Australian wine, beaching, swimming, reading and sleeping – and the occasional walk or jog here and there! We had a magnificent lunch at Vasse Felix Winery and Restaurant to celebrate my Mum’s birthday.

As a result of doing nothing, I got busy with designing a pouffe or footrest. Rather than trying to copy a Morrocan Pouffe (I figure the Morrocans do them pretty well!), I designed my own pouffe, which I call a ‘Dumpling’. The Dumpling is a mini version of the Nelson & Rose leather beanbag. It has four side panels and two bottom panels connected by a zip. It’s a mini foot beanbag! Made using beautiful, soft leather, the Dumpling is a perfect sized footrest. It works really well with the Nelson & Rose Leather Beanbag and is also great to rest your feet on when you are sitting on the sofa. This one is filled with polystyrene beans like a beanbag but you can use whatever you like – old clothes and material work well too.

The Dumpling can be made up using the same leather that is used for Nelson & Rose Leather Beanbags, as well as other types of leather such as the leather used for the Dumpling pictured. As with my Leather Beanbags, the Dumpling is made by me, at home and will be made to order.

I’m excited about the Dumpling and can’t wait to get it out there!